Personal Datas


ECF SAS, hereinafter “”, commits to ensuring that the personal data processing carried out on the “” website complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act.

This data privacy policy, our General Terms and Conditions of Use (GTCU) and General Terms and Conditions of Sale (GTCS) (link to the CTCU/GTCS page), our cookies tab (link to the cookies page) as well as all informational documents and notices about the policy provide information about the way in which the personal data collected are processed for the purposes of the Internet site (hereinafter the “Website”) and the services offered via the Website including “list the services”, (hereinafter the “Services).
Go to the Cookies tab to learn about our cookie policy, or if you want to configure your cookies for the Website.


1- Types of personal data collected
2- Collecting your personal data
3- Why we collect your personal data
4- Data retention period
5- Sharing the data collected
6- The legal basis for collecting personal data
7- Personal data security
8- Transfers outside of the European Union
9- Unsubscribing from newsletters, advertising and marketing messages
10- Accessing your personal data; correcting and deleting them and exercising your other rights
11- Contact us
12- Personal data protection and privacy policy updates


The use of the Website, the Application and the Services results in the collection of your personal data, as do the data you provide to us when you use the Services or when you contact us.
Information about your activity on the Website, use of the Application and of the Services, including connection and browsing data, are also collected without, however, enabling user identification.
They enable connections to be made between the data of a given user for the purposes of targeted marketing and sales. The data is also used to create a profile for users who have an account.

We collect several types of personal data.

The data you provide us with:

This consists of identification and contact data (including your last name, first name, title, email address, postal address, telephone number, preferences, services subscribed to, the purpose of your request when you write to us or contact one of our representatives, your connection identifiers, information about payment methods and/or bank information, etc.) which you provide to us when you subscribe to one of our Services, take part in one of our events or when you contact us.

Data generated when you use the Website, the Application or the Services when you are identified:

Notably, your interests, your marketing options, the frequency and intensity of use of our Services, your connections, etc.

Data collected about your browsing automatically, whether or not you are connected:

This information is associated with your browser (such as your activities on the Website or the Application, pages viewed, etc.). The information is collected both when you are identified and when you have not identified yourself and is combined regardless of the terminal you use. The Website uses tracking technology from partner advertising agencies. To find out more, please go to the Cookie tab.

Data provided by third-party partners:

This is information which is provided to us by third-party partners which you have been in contact with and which you have authorised to share your personal data with us for targeted marketing and advertising purposes. This can consist of socio-demographic data (e.g., your socio-professional category, your age group, your gender, etc.), contact data (e.g., your email address, etc.), profile data (e.g., your interest in a given product or service, your general interests, etc.).

Combining data: and its partner advertising agencies may combine the data obtained from all sources with other data in their possession to produce profile data for targeted advertising.


The collection and processing of personal data via the Website and for the purposes of the Services are primarily carried out under the responsibility of However, certain Website functions, and the use of certain Services (such as access to products and services offered on the Website or the Application by third parties and the use of links to third-party websites) involve the processing of your personal data by third parties. Website, Application and Services

Unless otherwise indicated, as the publisher of the Website, is the data controller as meant by the legislation on the protection of privacy with respect to the processing of personal data implemented to ensure the proper functioning of the Website, the Application and the supply of Services.

Third-party services and events

Certain services and events are provided via partners (e.g., the organisation of a contest or event). We will notify you at the time you register if personal data are also collected by third parties for these purposes.  In this case, you should also review the policies of the third parties prior to registering for Services or taking part in an event.

Links to other websites

The website may also contain links to other websites or services provided by third parties. This policy is not applicable to those websites or services. We recommend that you review the personal data protection practices of those websites and third parties.


We collect personal data for the following main purposes:
– to facilitate the use of the Website and of the Services, to manage interactions with users and to display other websites (this is the case for browsing data);
– to manage relationships with customers and people with an account and to provide the Services they subscribe to;
– to send special offers to our customers and prospects, which are generally personalised based on individual interests.

Browsing the Website or Application

You can browse the Website without having to provide identification data. Some parts of the Website and some of its content are only accessible to identified users who have created a user account.

Interactions with the Website, Application and Services will collect personal data from users of the Website and the Services in the cases and for the purposes below:
– voluntary registration with one of our websites.  You can access, modify or delete your data at any time by connecting to your “Space Name” space;
– to create a customer account, including account validation and security;
– management of our contacts with you for questions, technical assistance requests, complaints and calls from our representatives;
– to ensure the security of the Website and Services;
– to organise events.

Management of the subscribed services

We use the data we collect to manage the Services subscribed to, to meet our contractual obligations and provide accounting and financial management (invoicing, compliance with regulations, handling of complaints and incidents, including managing receivables and disputes, etc.) under the conditions provided for in our General Terms and Conditions of Use and in our General Terms and Conditions of Sale (links to those pages).

Special offers

Subject to your consent when it is required, we use the data collected via the Website or the Services to manage prospecting, to enable us to provide Services and special offers to you, to organise events, contests, surveys and advertising studies. Subject to your consent when it is required, we create user profiles and targeted advertising which is used to send you, or display on the Website or Application, offers related to your interests and/or your location or which we think will be of interest to you, including with the help of technologies which place cookies on your terminal or in the emails we send to you.


We also use the data collected for studies and statistical analyses.
Some data are also retained to meet our legal obligations and to defend our interests in the event of a dispute or legal action.


Your personal data are kept for the duration of our relationship with you, and as long as your user account is active. They are then archived in order to meet our legal obligations or as proof when necessary, or they are anonymised for survey and statistical purposes.

In certain instances, we may keep specific personal data beyond the end of our relationship with you, due to a legal obligation, for example, in the event of an unresolved complaint or dispute.
In this case, the data required to resolve the issue or the dispute are kept for the duration of the litigation and within the limits of the rules applicable to statutory limitations.


Your payment data are shared with our payment service providers and with banking institutions holding the accounts to process transactions for your purchases.
Subject to your consent when it is required, and excepting other options on your part, the personal data of members and account holders (including identity, contact information, membership history, interests and user profile), as well as those related to persons who contact us (identity, contact information, purpose of the request and answers given), are shared between E.CF Group entities for the purposes of centralised management of the customer relationship, surveys, analyses and segmentation, and for marketing purposes.
We may also share your personal data with our external advisers in the event of a dispute, or with third parties such as debt collection agencies responsible for recovering unpaid invoices and our service providers responsible for moderating the forums on the Website.
Your personal data may also be shared in instances which are not described above with your consent or when we are required to in application of the law. For example, when you use social buttons or you connect to your account on the Website using connection modules managed by social networks, data about your identity are automatically sent to those social networks.
In the event that all or some of the activities of ECF SAS were to be sold, your personal data would be provided to the buyer in order to ensure the continuity of the Services and/or for marketing purposes unless you select other options.


We only collect personal data when we have a legal basis to do so and when it is required as part of our business relationships.

The collection of personal data described above is required:
1) for the performance of the contracts you have agreed to (user account, subscriptions, etc.) and/or
2) for the purposes of our legitimate interests, notably to provide you with suitable content, create statistics and to protect the Website against unauthorised use,
3) to ensure compliance with our legal obligations.

In addition to these cases, they are also collected with your consent, for example, when you fill in a contact form or when such consent is required by law.


Your personal data are protected by technical and organisational measures which comply with French and European legal regulations and ensure their security and confidentiality.
In particular, uses protection technologies including encryption, authentication and fraud detection systems to protect your online account and your payment transactions. ensures, via written commitments, that its service providers provide sufficient guarantees to ensure the protection of the personal data entrusted to them for processing.


We keep your personal data in the European Union. However, the data we collect when you use our Website, our Application or our Services may be transferred outside of the European Union to countries where the legislation applicable to the protection of personal data differs from that applicable in France. In this case we implement the guarantees provided for by the applicable legislation on the protection of personal data to ensure a suitable level of protection for the data transferred.


In accordance with the applicable legislation and with your consent when required, we may use the data you provide us with when you create your account or when you use the Services for marketing purposes (e.g., we send you special offers, invitations to our events or other information which may be of interest to you).
If you do not want your data to be used in this way, simply contact us by following the instructions provided under the Contact us tab.



You have several rights (access, rectification, erasure, to object and restrict processing, to lodge a complaint, etc.) in application of the legislation applicable to the protection of personal data, which ensure that you can manage the processing of your personal data. Please contact us following instructions on article 11 of this page or fill dedicated form.

Access and copy

You have the right to access and communicate your personal data. In order to meet your requests, we are required by law to confirm your identity. We may have to ask you to provide additional information to enable us to meet your request. We will handle your request as soon as possible.
If you have an account, you can access the data contained in your online account directly. Just connect to your ECF Customer Space on the Website.
You can also correct, change or delete your contact data. Please contact us following instructions on article 11 of this page or fill dedicated form.

Correcting inaccurate personal data

You can also request the correction of your personal data when it is wrong as well as restrict processing while the corrections are being made. Depending on the type of processing, you are also entitled to request that the personal data in our possession be completed. In this case, we may request supporting documentation.
If you are unable to access your account or if the data you want to correct cannot be corrected via your account, please contact us following instructions on article 11 of this page or fill dedicated form.

Withdrawing your consent for the processing of your personal data

You can withdraw your permission at any time when the processing of your personal data is based on your consent (e.g., when you subscribe to a newsletter, take part in a contest, register for an event, receive offers electronically for services or products other than those which you signed up for and when cookies and similar technologies are used on the Website).
This right is exercised by changing your marketing and newsletter subscription options and by withdrawing your consent for the placing of cookies according to the procedures described under the Cookies tab.

Erasing your personal data

You can request the erasure of your personal data in the following situations:
– You believe that the processing of your personal data is no longer required for the Services subscribed to, your use of the Website or fulfilment of the purposes described above in this policy or that retaining the data infringes the law
– You have withdrawn your consent for the processing of your personal data (see “Withdrawing your consent for the processing of your personal data” above)
– You object to the processing of your personal data for reasons related to your personal situation
– You object to the use of your data for marketing purposes
– Your data was collected online when you were a minor
You can also, within the limits provided for by law, request that the processing of your personal data be restricted.

Despite the fact that you have exercised your right to erase your data or restrict its processing, we may retain certain personal data when the law requires us to or authorises us to, when we have a legitimate reason to do so, to exercise or defend our rights in court or when the exercise of the right is contrary to freedom of expression or of information.
For example, this would be the case, if we believe that you have not complied with our General Terms and Conditions of Use or of Sale.

Informing us of your wishes after death

You have the right to request the application of directives governing your personal data after your death.


For all questions about this data protection policy and any questions you may have about your personal data, please contact us:
– via email at the following address:
– by post at the following address:
“Personal Data”
1 rue René Clair
91350 Grigny

The request must include a photocopy of a valid ID document.
In accordance with the law, your request will be handled within a month of receipt, at most.
You have the right to contact the CNIL for any complaints regarding the processing of your personal data.


We may update the policy to reflect changes in our practices, to explain our practices in greater detail or to ensure compliance with regulations.
Please see the date of update of our policy at the bottom of this page.

Version: April 2019