Appointment to the Executive Committee

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Arrival of Christel HENNION as Group Marketing, Customer & Digital Director.

As part of the evolution of the group’s organization, I am pleased to announce the arrival of Christel HENNION as Group Marketing, Customer & Digital Director. With a literary background and an MBA, Christel began her career in publishing (Harlequin, Atlas) in operational functions in CRM & Data Management.
She then moved to the Distribution & Beauty sector (Daniel Jouvance, Yves Rocher, Petit Bateau) in E-commerce, Brand & Marketing and Digital Transformation roles. She also held the position of Digital Manager for L’Occitane with large teams, on omnichannel project deployments in France and internationally.
Before joining us, Christel was Managing Director and CEO of Captain Tortue, to deploy the Digital Transformation and international development project of this B2B textile company.
For the past 15 years, Christel has developed a solid expertise in Marketing and Digital as an operational manager and then CEO and member of Comex, supporting several companies, which are leaders in their category, in their digital transformation projects on international scopes.
Building on these successful experiences, Christel joins us in a similar role within our Group to continue the development of omnichannel experiences, serve current and future customer requirements, strengthen the power of brands, particularly the Group’s own brands, in each of the geographies, while continuing to capitalize on our Data & CRM assets which are at the heart of this transformation plan.
Christel, in her new role, is a member of the Executive Committee and will report directly to me. Pending the recruitment (in progress) of the Director of Chomette Europe, Christel will continue to coordinate Marketing & Digital France activities.
Christel takes up her position following the interim management mission carried out for the past two years by Thina CADIERNO, who will leave us at the end of November for new challenges. I would like to warmly thank Thina for her contribution to the acceleration of the Group’s digital transformation and her role in the success of brand projects (rebranding of ECF Group and Chomette, launch of StudioC, Store and Showroom projects in Paris, among the most significant).
I am counting on you to give Christel a warm welcome, to whom I wish every success in her missions.

Christophe ALAUX CEO & Chairman

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