ECF - General terms and conditions of use

ECF – General terms and conditions of use




Registered under number 582 012 325 RCS EVRY

With capital of €10,598,147.14

With its registered office located at: 1 -3 rue René Clair – ZAC des Radars – 91350 Grigny

Intracommunity VAT: FR 20 582 012 936

APE code: 4669 C



Name of the publication director: Mr Christophe Alaux / Mrs Corinne Leduc


The Geek Family
15 rue Monsigny – 75002 Paris


ECF Group

1 – 3 rue René– ZAC des Radars – 91350 Grigny





These General Terms and Conditions of Use (the “GTCU”) are intended to define how access is provided to the website (the “Website”) and the terms and conditions of use of the Website.

The term “User” designates any person who uses the Website or one of the services provided by the Website.


By navigating the Website the User acknowledges that they have reviewed and fully accepted the GTCU without reservations.


The Publisher reserves the right to change the GTCU at any time. They become applicable as soon as they are published online.



Website access is free to any User with Internet access.


The User is responsible for their computer equipment and their Internet access. All costs related to accessing the Website are the User’s responsibility.


The publisher does everything within its power to ensure access to the Website 24/7, but cannot be held liable for any Website problems or malfunctions which could prevent or degrade access to the Website and/or the services provided by the Publisher. The Publisher reserves the right interrupt, momentarily suspend or change access to all or part of the Website without prior notice in order to carry out maintenance or for any other reason. These interruptions will not result in any obligations or compensation.




The personal data collected by the Website will be processed by an information technology system. It is recommended that the User review the Website’s “Personal Data” to obtain information on this subject.




All content on this Website including, without limitation, graphics, images, text, videos, animations, sounds, logos, gifs, and icons and their layout are the exclusive property of the Publisher with the exception of trademarks, logos or content belonging to other partner companies or authors.
Any reproduction, distribution, modification, adaptation, retransmission or publication, even partial, of these different elements is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of the Publisher. Representation or reproduction, by any means whatsoever, constitutes an infringement sanctioned by Articles L.335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement that may result in civil and criminal penalties. In addition, the owners of the copied content could take legal action.

For all authorisations and information requests, please contact us by email at:



A cookie is an app that cannot identify users but which is used to record information about their browsing on the Website. It enables reading of the information on subsequent visits to improve the browsing experience.

Please note that a cookie may be installed automatically on your browsing software during your visits to our Website.

Unless you decide to deactivate the cookies using the procedure below, using the Website is equivalent to consenting to the use of cookies in application of this clause.

The cookies we use on the Website are:

Google Analytics, an Internet site statistical analysis service. Google Analytics uses cookies, placed on your computer to help us analyse your use of our Website. Google Analytics uses the information to:


  • Prepare visitor statistics which enable us to conduct studies and improve our services,
  • Memorise your browser’s display preferences and adjust the presentation of our Website during your visits,
  • Memorise the information collected in forms.

Your cookie options:

You can deactivate the cookies at any time at no charge by selecting the right parameters in your browser.

The steps to be followed are different for each browser. You can find instructions in the “Help” menu of your browser and in the “Tracking” section of the website (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique & des Libertés).

However, note that if you deactivate cookies, you may not be able to use certain functions of the Website.



The information contained on this Website is as accurate as possible and the Website is updated periodically. However, it may contain inaccuracies, omissions or gaps. If you find a gap, error or what appears to be a malfunction, please report it by email describing the problem as precisely as possible (page in question, trigger, type of computer and browser used, etc.).

The Publisher is in no way responsible for how the information is used or for any direct or indirect damage that may arise.

All content is downloaded at the risk of the User and under their sole responsibility. Accordingly, the Publisher cannot be held responsible for any damage suffered by the User’s computer or any loss of data following a download. Likewise, the Publisher cannot be held liable in the event of force majeure or events independent of their will.
The Publisher cannot be held responsible in any way for misuse of the service/Website.
Photos are for illustration purposes only.



The hypertext links set up within this Website leading to other resources on the Internet are not the responsibility of the Publisher. The existence of a link from this Website to another website does not constitute an endorsement of the hyperlinked site or its contents. It is up to the Internet User to use the information wisely and critically.

Website users and visitors cannot set up a hyperlink to this site without the express prior authorisation of the Publisher. The Publisher reserves the right to accept or refuse a hyperlink without having to justify their decision.




The GTCU are governed by French law. The competent court in the event of litigation will be the competent court in the event of litigation court of the defendant’s domicile.